Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Stay up to date with our Privacy Policy and the platform's Terms of Use. Your experience is important to us.

Welcome to Evolve!

We make available on this page the Privacy Policies and Terms of Use of our platform. Since we want to be increasingly present in your daily life, if you do not find the necessary information on this page, do not hesitate to contact our support via email [email protected]. We will be happy to help and contribute to your experience.


About the privacy policy

At Evolve Technology, privacy and information security are priorities and we are committed to transparency in the processing of personal data of our users/clients. Our Privacy Policy establishes how the collection, use and transfer of information from customers or other people who access or use our website is carried out, between Evolve's own digital sectors and partner companies.

The Privacy Policy clarifies how user data will be used, maintained, managed, shared/transferred (in cases where applicable) and stored by Evolve. The Privacy Policy described here does not apply to third-party platforms, as well as websites, applications that are not maintained and/or managed by Evolve, including those that may be disclosed by any Evolve functions and resources.

When using our services, you understand that we will collect and use your personal information in the ways described in this Policy, under the rules of the Federal Constitution of 1988 (art. 5, LXXIX; and art. 22, XXX – included by EC 115/2022) , Data Protection standards (LGPD, Federal Law 13,709/2018), consumerist provisions of Federal Law 8078/1990 and other applicable standards of the Brazilian legal system.

In this way, GIORDANO & GIORDANO IND. COM. PROD. MED. ODONT. LTDA, hereinafter referred to simply as “Evolve”, registered with the CNPJ/MF under nº 19.526.217/0001-68, in the role of Data Controller, is obliged to comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

From now on, Evolve further declares to all users and visitors that all digital services provided through the domain are developed and maintained by EvoCreate - Technology for Companies, a private company, registered under CNPJ/MF under no. 39.768.001/0001-16, hereinafter referred to simply as EvoCreate, and that Evolve and/or EvoCreate do not are responsible for any digital services, companies, applications or the like that are not developed or do not have an active service provision contract with Evolve, or are not maintained or managed by EvoCreate, as well as not monitoring third-party services, external links, communication channels, even if these are disclosed through any function or resource of Evolve, any interaction with the platform is the sole responsibility of the user.

User liability and consent statement

The user is responsible for all data entered on the platform, from registration data for access and possible changes/updates, as well as personal or professional data entered on any pages, tools, resources, forms, surveys and any other features of the system. , including personal data such as email, telephone numbers, home or work address and all others.. WE RECOMMEND THAT IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, BEFORE USING AND BROWSING THIS PLATFORM, YOU READ THE TERMS OF USE, UNDERSTAND THE TREATMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF DATA AND IF NECESSARY, SEND AN EMAIL WITH YOUR QUESTION TO [email protected]. O prazo de resposta pode variar entre 12 horas e 96 horas comerciais, de acordo com a demanda. O usuário é o único responsável por quaisquer dados inseridos na plataforma Evolve.

It is based on your consent that we process your personal data. Consent is the free, informed and unequivocal expression by which you authorize Evolve and partner companies to process your data.

Therefore, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law, your data will only be collected, processed and stored with prior and express consent.

Your consent will be obtained specifically for each purpose described above, demonstrating Evolve's commitment to transparency and good faith towards its users/clients, following the relevant legislative regulations.

By using Evolve services and providing your personal data, you are aware of and consent to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, in addition to knowing your rights and how to exercise them.

At any time and at no cost, you may revoke your consent by asking Evolve to delete your personal data or by deleting your data through your own login, on the 'My Account' page.

It is important to highlight that revoking consent for data processing may imply the impossibility of excellence in the provision of services by Evolve and the adequate performance of some functionality of the platform that depends on the operation. Such consequences will be informed in advance.

Data received and collected

LOGIN AND ACCOUNT REGISTRATION DATA - When creating a new account on Evolve or interacting with any function or resource of the platform, all data entered, whether you are an individual or legal entity, will be collected and stored as unique and complementary identification data of the user, as well as CPF, CNPJ, email, address, profile image, telephone numbers, profession, among others. Data can also be collected through quizzes, login screens, polls, satisfaction surveys, confirmation emails, membership contracts and digital warranty terms, among others.

DATA COLLECTED DURING INTERACTION WITH THE PLATFORM - When accessing the Evolve platform/website/system/application, and using any available features, all data requested/filled in by the user is collected and stored, according to the functionality accessed. The process can be reversed by requesting the deletion of temporary data/metadata and/or the deletion of your account, which is the sole responsibility of the user.

SUPPORT FOR QUESTIONS, COMPLAINTS AND FAILURES - Evolve requests and reserves the right to demand that any email sent to [email protected], This being the customer service channel, have data that identifies the user, as well as EMAIL, CPF/CNPJ, FULL NAME and that the email sent is the same as the one registered on the platform. This way, we can guarantee the best service. In the absence of such information/requirements, Evolve reserves the unquestionable right not to respond to any request, as it cannot confirm the authenticity of the account holder.

COOKIES, IP ADDRESSES, IDENTIFIERS, LOCATION - When logging into Evolve, data such as IP addresses and other data relating to the user's connection may be collected, in order to provide greater security to all Evolve users. GPS location data (in the case of smartphones) and cookies may be collected and used to offer the user better interaction with the platform, as well as to offer more accurate results.

AUTOMATION OF COLLECTION AND INSERTED DATA - Evolve may use automatic information collection features, such as data on the user's connection and location, but not limited to that. All data collected automatically or collected through user intervention will be kept by Evolve for an indefinite period of time, aiming for the safety and healthy use of the platform, and can be used in internal studies to improve and improve the platform, the services provided, sharing with other platforms and databases developed, maintained or under the responsibility of Evolve, as well as transferred without limitation to the Federal Court, Civil Police, Military Police, Federal Police or any other bodies investigating and combating cybercrime.

USER RIGHTS - Evolve assures its users/customers of their rights as holders provided for in article 18 of the General Data Protection Law. This way, you can, free of charge and at any time:

Confirm the existence of data processing, in a simplified manner or in a clear and complete format.

Access your data, being able to request it in a legible copy in printed form or electronically, secure and suitable.

Correct your data when requesting it to be edited, corrected or updated.

Limit your data when unnecessary, excessive or treated in non-compliance with legislation through anonymization, blocking or deletion.

Request the portability of your data, through a registration data report that Evolve processes regarding you.

Delete your data processed with your consent, except in cases provided for by law.

Revoke your consent, deauthorizing the processing of your data.

Find out about the possibility of not providing your consent and the consequences of refusal.

To exercise your rights as a holder, you must contact Evolve through the following available means:

Phone +55 (12) 99159-5286

Email: [email protected]

Address Rua Sebastião Alves Monteiro Junior, 33. Bairro Residencial Portal da Mantiqueira. Taubaté/ SP - Brazil. ZIP Code12040-821

Information storage and security

All of Evolve's digital services were designed and developed with a focus on security by EvoCreate - Technology for Companies, mentioned above. Therefore, in addition to user passwords, all collected data is stored in encrypted databases validated by rotating tokens, monitoring systems against failures/suspicious events and state-of-the-art servers. Security against hackers and data theft is monitored in real time, at all times and in the event of any security breaches, Evolve and all users must be aware that EvoCreate reserves the right to temporarily disable the server in name of Evolve, with the duty and obligation to repair the fault found. When it comes to digital/computerized systems, there is no complete and effective guarantee against intruders (hackers), data theft and cyber attacks (just as we see recently in established companies such as Apple, Facebook or LinkedIn). However, we always seek excellence, with the aim of preventing events like these from happening as much as possible.

To keep your personal information safe, we use physical, electronic and managerial tools aimed at protecting your privacy.

We apply these tools taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the context and purpose of the processing and the risks that possible violations would generate for the rights and freedoms of the holder of the data collected and processed.

Among the measures we adopted, we highlight the following:

Only authorized people have access to your personal data;

Access to your personal data is only done after a commitment to confidentiality;

Your personal data is stored in a safe and suitable environment;

Any and all incoming or outgoing data traffic passes through the CloudFlare network, adding even more security to information transactions;

The domain operates under a 2048bit SSL certificate, provided by CloudFlare, encrypting all data at input and output;

All server events are checked in real time, minute by minute using advanced digital security techniques and tools;

All servers have physical firewalls from MikroTik, reinforcing the monitoring of risk events;

In case of any incident, the affected server is deactivated for analysis and another server is instantly activated, avoiding unavailability;

Evolve is committed to adopting the best postures to avoid security incidents. However, it is necessary to highlight that no virtual page is entirely safe and risk-free. It is possible that, despite all our security protocols, problems that are solely the fault of third parties may occur, such as cyber attacks by hackers, or also as a result of the negligence or recklessness of the user/client themselves.

In the event of security incidents that may create significant risk or damage for you or any of our users/clients, we will communicate to those affected and the National Data Protection Authority about what occurred, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law. Data.

Use and sharing of information

All data collected, whether autonomously or through user intervention, may be shared with all systems and platforms managed, maintained or developed directly by Evolve and its partners, as well as partner companies regardless of their functions. The data collected and stored may be transferred to the Federal Court, Federal Police, Civil Police and Military Police, if requested for any investigations or ensuring compliance with the law.

In order to preserve your privacy, Evolve will not share your personal data with any unauthorized third party. However, our partners have their own Privacy Policies, which may differ from this one. Furthermore, there are also other hypotheses in which your data may be shared, which are:

Legal determination, request, requisition or court order, with competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities.

Case of corporate transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions and incorporations, automatically

Protection of Evolve's rights in any type of conflict, including those of a judicial nature.

Some of the third parties with whom we share your data may be located in or have facilities located in foreign countries. Under these conditions, in any case, your personal data will be subject to the General Data Protection Law and other Brazilian data protection legislation.

In this sense, Evolve is committed to always adopting efficient cybersecurity and data protection standards, in the best efforts to guarantee and comply with legislative requirements.

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree to this sharing, which will take place in accordance with the purposes described in this instrument.

Evolve uses Cookies, which are text files sent by the platform to your computer and stored there, containing information related to website navigation. In short, Cookies are used to improve the user experience.

By accessing our website and consenting to the use of Cookies, you acknowledge and accept the use of a navigation data collection system with the use of Cookies on your device.

Evolve uses the following types of Cookies: Session Cookies (after logging in, cookies related to your access to the platform are automatically saved on your device, keeping you connected to the platform); Performance Cookies (when accessing any Evolve page, temporary cookies are stored with the purpose of promoting the speed of access to content).

You can, at any time and at no cost, change permissions, block or refuse Cookies. However, revoking consent for certain Cookies may prevent the correct functioning of some features of the platform.

Permission to use and control information

When using any Evolve digital product or any of its tools or functionalities, the user agrees to all terms herein, without restrictions or exceptions, and Evolve may comply with any provisions mentioned herein within the limits of current legislation.

Your personal data collected by Evolve will be used and stored for as long as necessary to provide the service or for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy to be achieved, considering the rights of data subjects and controllers.

In general, your data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship between you and Evolve lasts and/or for as long as Evolve deems necessary (if there is no request for data deletion) for the purposes of future relationships (after-sales, satisfaction surveys, advertising new offers such as products or services, among others). Once the personal data has been stored for a period of time, it will be deleted from our databases or anonymized, except in the cases legally provided for in article 16 of the general data protection law, namely:

I – compliance with legal or regulatory obligations by the controller;

II – study by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data;

III – transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set out in this Law are respected; or

IV – exclusive use by the controller, access by third parties is prohibited, and provided that the data is anonymized.

That is, personal information about you that is essential for complying with legal, judicial and administrative orders and/or for exercising the right to defense in judicial and administrative proceedings will be maintained, despite the deletion of other data.

The storage of data collected by Evolve reflects our commitment to the security and privacy of your data. We employ technical protection measures and solutions capable of guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and inviolability of your data. In addition, we also have security measures appropriate to the risks and control access to stored information.

User control

The user may at any time use any of Evolve's features, without limitations, as long as they have a service provision/product purchase contract from Evolve, and agree with all the Privacy Terms and Terms of Use. They may also deactivate and/or delete your account and change your basic or additional data.

Ideological falsehood, scam and/or fraud

In the event of an ideological falsehood, scam or fraud, all data collected on the offending user and the reporting user will be delivered to the DEICC (Delegation Specialized in Cyber Crime Investigation), upon request or not, depending on this. Evolve values the safety and healthy use of all users, AND ANY ILLEGAL ATTITUDE that attempts to deceive, harm, cause material or moral harm to the platform, its users and Evolve's own administration will NOT BE TOLERATED. We promise to be rigorous in our collaboration with investigative bodies in complying with the law and identifying those responsible, sparing no effort.

Evolve Disclaimer

When using the platform, the user must be aware of all the actions they perform in the activated/accessed functions, as well as the data they enter and how they will be used by Evolve. Evolve is not responsible for any action of users within the platform, as well as data entered, declared purposefully by the user or actions of cyber attackers (even if it is Evolve's responsibility to ensure security and monitor the system in all its events, there is no guarantee of their preservation, since it is natural for the entire system that new flaws are discovered at all times, and it is Evolve's responsibility and a commitment to all users that improvements and new security updates are carried out constantly only). Therefore, use our platform with awareness of all acts performed. For questions or support on any issue, do not hesitate to get in touch via email at [email protected].

About minors (children and teenagers)

Evolve was developed and is only authorized for people over 18 years of age, and use by children and adolescents (under 18 years of age) is not permitted, except in cases of civil emancipation. If any account belonging to minors is identified, or is managed by minors, the account will be blocked for an indefinite period of time, and may or may not be reactivated by sending documentation such as CPF, ID and PROOF OF ADDRESS of the holder, as well as signature of the term of responsibility for the maintenance and use of the account via email at [email protected]. If there is a second finding and recurrence of the facts, the account will be permanently banned from Evolve, without prior notice and without any chance of recovery or reactivation.

Amendment and revocation of one or more terms

Evolve reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use without prior notice, in accordance with its determinations and wishes, as well as to delete paragraphs, add information and revoke rules. It is advisable for all users to constantly visit the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use so that they are always in agreement and aware of all updates.

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, mainly to adapt to any changes made to our website or in legislation. We recommend that you review it frequently.

Any changes will come into effect as soon as they are published on our website and we will always notify you of the changes that have occurred. By using our services and providing your personal data after such modifications, you consent to them. We are committed to keeping this Privacy Policy updated, observing its provisions and ensuring compliance. Furthermore, we are also committed to seeking technical and organizational conditions that are safely capable of protecting the entire data processing process.

If the National Data Protection Authority requires the adoption of measures in relation to data processing carried out by Evolve, we undertake to follow them.

As mentioned, although we adopt high security standards in order to avoid incidents, there is no virtual page that is entirely risk-free. In this sense, Evolve is not responsible for:

I – Any consequences arising from the negligence, recklessness or incompetence of users in relation to their individual data. We guarantee and are only responsible for the security of the data processing processes and the fulfillment of the purposes described in this instrument. We emphasize that the user is responsible for the confidentiality of access data.

II – Inaccuracy of the information entered by the user/client in the records necessary for the use of Evolve services; Any consequences arising from false information or information entered in bad faith are the sole responsibility of the user/client.

User account deletion

The user can change or delete their account at any time. In this case, all your publications, disclosures, advertisements created or interactions on the platforms will be hidden/deleted from view and will no longer be seen/viewed by any other user of the platform. The registration data will be kept in a secondary database for up to 5 years for consultation purposes and will be available to the law in case of any requests. The account can be reactivated/reregistered, recreated or reopened at the user's discretion, whenever they wish, except in situations of ban or expulsion from the platform.

If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints or reports, please contact us via email at [email protected].



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